Pralines & Cream and The Manchester United Squad

The title of this post might sound a little abstract and perhaps will start a rumour mill of some weirdness with the Manchester United team but stick with me there is a point. I hope.

I love pralines & cream ice cream, I do and I could and have eaten it by the bucket load. It’s delicious and nothing or no one will make me change my mind. Some of you might agree with my choice and others might not. Those who disagree will probably tell me their own choice and then proceed to tell me all the reasons I should change to your favourite ice cream. You’ll probably tell me I should be eating that skinny cow ice cream (which I admit is nice but I like full fat :-)) and go through the fat content and all the label stuff that one should avoid whilst looking at a tub of ice cream, you know it’s there but you don’t need someone to keep telling you “Do you know how many calories that is?” to which I’ll probably reply “No but I like it so leave me alone”.

So for instance if I was to say to you – I don’t think Carrick has played well this season… (hear me out before you moan about choosing Carrick!) some of you might choose to agree and also some of you would choose to disagree. We all have opinions and that’s ok you know. Those who might choose to disagree, won’t just disagree… Oh no, you’ll have facts. Oh sorry I mean stats… possession %, complete passes, how many times he’s used a swear word (topical ;-))  etc. Yup some of you mean business!

It’s not that I don’t like stats in fact I’m particularly fond of one particular match stat – How many goals we have scored and how many the opposition have scored. It’s a good stat – I like it, it’s important. I also like there to be a big gap between the two numbers with us obviously with the higher number!

In retrospect though the geek side to me is a bit in awe sometimes with these new stat apps, it puts those little team possession % that tv channels focus on well into the shadows. I’ll admit I’ve got The Total Football app and have sat for a few minutes nearly an hour going through each stat. But stats don’t make me change my mind. If I feel someone hasn’t played well it will be because “they haven’t played well” in my eyes. You can tell me all the reasons under the sun why I should change my opinion but I won’t. Mainly because I’m stubborn but also because when you have an opinion on something you’re right because it’s YOUR opinion. You see things your way.

There seems to be a bit of angst amongst United fans and possibly throughout other clubs fans too (I apologise I seem to talk with more United fans than any other club) that if you don’t agree with someone on a player then your opinion doesn’t count. You have to side with the stats apparently.

Rooney is a good example of splitting the fan base. That boy broke my heart with his little hissy massive hissy fit way back when and then he changed his mind. Whirlwind of emotions and then he scored THAT goal. I don’t need stats, I was at Old Trafford for that goal I was in such delirium that as I rose out from my seat I fell and slumped over the seat in front. My heart hurt like hell all over again. I felt like the Grinch whose heart was suddenly getting bigger and it hurt but it was healing. I don’t need a stat to tell me that he rebuilt a few broken hearts that day. Possibly a few more have been healed since THAT GOAL. There will be those who can’t forgive him yet or choose never to forgive him – that is their choice. I acknowledge their choice and would never beat down their door and say “You have to love him again because of x,y,z” that’s just not my style.

I was a big Kanchelskis fan and when I told my Dad I wanted his name on the back of my shirt for my birthday he nearly fainted. £1 per letter – My poor Dad! I then said Solskjaer and he said “Have May, your birthday is in May” He didn’t get it (I got Giggs in the end, my brother got Beckham- it still annoys me to this day that my brother got two more letters than me!) but I wasn’t swayed. I’d put my foot down (kind of) and said no to May and yes to Giggs. I still adored Andrei and Ole, some things just cannot be broken.

So yes I love my Pralines & cream ice cream and I won’t budge on that. No matter how many stats you show me about why I shouldn’t like it and why Cookies & Cream/Strawberry Shortcake etc are better. Opinions are great things. Just remember it’s ok to stick to what you believe in. It’s ok to argue your point too but remember it’s your view, don’t expect someone to change their mind because of what you said.

I still believe I’ll see Owen Hargreaves play in a United shirt again this season… nothing you can say will change that. You know why? Because I just do.

I chose Carrick because it seems it’s between him, Gibson and Rooney that fans are most annoyed with this season. I tossed a coin between Gibson and Carrick as I felt Rooney was too obvious. Carrick lovers though feel free to hit me a stat – no really do. Geek moment 🙂 I wrote this in draft before last night so yes I know how well he played yesterday before you say it!

I eventually got a Kanchelskis and a Solskjaer shirt bought with my own money. Dads eh? 😉

I agonised for ages about whether to publish this blog as I wondered if I was overstepping the mark. But I believe in it and if you don’t then say so and I’ll listen but don’t expect me to change my mind I’m a stubborn taurean 😉

About Steve Ferguson 886 Articles
Steve Ferguson had taken over & re-branded The Faithful MUFC website back in the summer of 2014 and is now the owner and editor of the site. Steve, from Ashton-Under-Lyne in Greater Manchester, is a 35-year-old life long Manchester United fan, travelling over the globe to see the Reds play. Steve has been lucky enough to be at both the 1999 and 2008 Champions League finals, seeing Manchester United lift the biggest trophy in the World, none more exciting than that faithful night in Barcelona in 99. The website is a blog, but also hopes to deliver the latest Manchester United news from around the internet too, linked up with our growing twitter account which is @TheFaithfulMUFC, give it a follow as we will follow you back as soon as we can.

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