TF Chronicles: From Old Trafford to Belfast

Today at TF Towers I’ve asked Kay to write for you all, she like us all is totally and utterly obsessed by those 11 men in United’s colours. I “met” her through twitter and have had the pure delight to meet her in person and be there with her as she took her first glances and then step inside Old Trafford. Here she tells us of her love for United and her first Manchester United match.

I’m just a baby when it comes to supporting Manchester United. Discovered I’d been sucked into the void that is football in 96′. I hadn’t meant to. In fact had fought against it. Was on in the background as my Man Utd loving husband and his mates watched all the matches at ours. But it got under my skin. Hooked.

I got my first shirt at the end of 97′, a black shirt. I kissed the badge and hauled it over my head. Wore it every match thereafter, wore it with pride. I’d made my allegiance. I’ve since obtained one more shirt, in red, the black shirt tucked up safely, the badge stroked lovingly, the new shirt worn fervently. My passion for the game surprised me. I didn’t expect that overwhelming feeling you get for your team. That rollercoaster ride that is the juxtaposition of all fans, the exhilaration and the devastation as your team fights for the title. Season after season. The highs and lows, the players, the team formations, the Boss and his choices. Every cheer, sigh, tut, curse…

How can 11 men and a ball cause such an addiction???

As my passion has grown so has my group of friends who love United as I do. United is in their blood. They talk, walk, sleep, eat United. Memories are marked by matches. I listened enthralled, became the hostess with the mostest as games were held at ours. Superstitions re who could sit where, who could attend, what shirts were worn – 16 years of tradition going strong. The majority of matches watched in “the back room” our movie room on a 55″ screen. The players right there in front of me 😀 the girl comes out in me as I drool a tad at Ryan Giggs #notsorry

With Twitter from 2007, there came a constant pre, during & post match discussion and/or deconstruction of the game. That feeling that the back room is full of footy fans all equally as passionate as me, some even more so, as the feistiness rises, opinions clash and fans dispute the beloved game. Glory Glory Man Utd.

I’ve met up with some of these twitter United fans. Was immense. To meet people I’d talk to daily is an experience in itself. To meet other fans and go to Old Trafford, hear and see the history, do the tour, submerge myself; indescribably emotional. If you’ve not done the tour as a fan, why not?

My only regret? That there wasn’t a match on when I was over…. Yes I’ve been to Old Trafford BUT I haven’t had the pleasure of seeing the boys in action, that is, until May 15th when I was surprised with tickets to attend the Harry Gregg testimonial in Belfast 😀

After an absolute rollarcoaster of a season which ended on such a climatic but devastating blow, Sir Alex gave Harry the tribute and testimonial he deserved, by sending the full squad over. For the Man-Utd fans in N.I. we were ecstatic. Windsor Park is not huge. The players were right there, just like on TV but better. So very much better and closer. Their skills so clear to see. They didn’t hesitate to entertain, the Irish Premier League Select brought them a game. ’twas not a walk in the park, but oh how wonderful were my boys in Red. 90 minutes of pure bliss. Like orchestrated observers we roared together, chanted together, shouted “shoooootttt ” as the ball fell at Scholesy’s feet. The deep ROOOONNNYYY as he came on the pitch. Yes this was a match to remember. A match to Harry Gregg, the ulster man who played goalie for Utd, a Busby Babe who survived the Munich disaster. A reluctant hero, ‘the hero of Munich’. The disaster that some say changed Man Utd from a football club to an institution.

The final score 4-1 the lads clapping around the stadium, the fans cheering and clapping back. Proud to be a fan. Proud to be part of the testimonial. Proud to see their team play. I’m determined to get to Old Trafford in the new season, there are thousands of fans like me who are passionate from home, but there’s nothing like watching your team at Old Trafford so I’ve been told. The roar, the emotion,the passion, it flows around the stadium.

I want to be part of that….. I will be part of that.

As you can see from the above photo Kay had fun on her tour of Old Trafford. Can’t wait to go to her match with her too.

You can follow Kay on twitter @_Soapgirl_

About Steve Ferguson 886 Articles
Steve Ferguson had taken over & re-branded The Faithful MUFC website back in the summer of 2014 and is now the owner and editor of the site. Steve, from Ashton-Under-Lyne in Greater Manchester, is a 35-year-old life long Manchester United fan, travelling over the globe to see the Reds play. Steve has been lucky enough to be at both the 1999 and 2008 Champions League finals, seeing Manchester United lift the biggest trophy in the World, none more exciting than that faithful night in Barcelona in 99. The website is a blog, but also hopes to deliver the latest Manchester United news from around the internet too, linked up with our growing twitter account which is @TheFaithfulMUFC, give it a follow as we will follow you back as soon as we can.

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